I made a Prezi to essentially present the gist of my glossary entry, and I am supposed to write a bit about it. My feelings towards Prezi are a bit mixed at the moment. One one hand, it's far more dynamic and entertaining than a program such as powerpoint, but on the other hand it has a bit more of a learning curve, and can be finicky. I feel as if Prezi is a craft that needs to be honed, and that it takes some time to gain the full effects of a well put together Prezi. 
     As far as my Prezi is concerned, I found it very hard to limit the amount of words that I was allowed to use. On top of that, relevant images that would take place of the words were few and far between, so I feel as if my Prezi is only marginally more entertaining that a powerpoint with pretty pictures. The video that we watched to teach us how to use Prezi to its fullest extent was very helpful, but only makes it all the more evident that my Prezi is far under par compared to what it could be. 
Take a look at it. Be captivated... Be... Im-Prezi-ed. 

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